电熨斗,ST-5314(WSD-358),英插(英式大英插),(WINNING STAR牌子),彩盒装。电压:AC 220-240V 50/60Hz 2000W,水箱容量:160ML,蒸汽量:12-18g/min,喷水量:0.45g,爆炸蒸汽:0.45g;外壳ABS,手柄为PP不耐高温。陶瓷底板。;隔热壳,PBT材料 耐高温。橡胶线3*0.75铜线,1.5米长外露 。配件:说明书,保修卡,合格证,铭牌贴。重量700G,底板尺寸:18.4*10m,产品尺寸:25*10*13cm,颜色:蓝绿色。
胜利之星(集团)有限公司;成立于1999年,是集研发、生产、销售和国际贸易为一体的跨国集团企业。经过二十一年的发展,我们通过专注于品牌管理、供应链管理和互联网营销管理,成为一家实力雄厚的国际公司。在中国超过4000家制造商有合作关系,其中核心制造商超过800家,而且我们还服务五十多个国家和地区,超过五千个进口商和批发商客户。目前管理 WINNINGSTAR,SUNAFRICA等多个国际品牌,其中 WINNINGSTAR品牌,用于打造高档厨房家电系列。公司秉着”全心服务客户,多、快、好、省为客户持续创造价值,成为多人祝福”的企业使命,赢得了客户长期的信赖与可持续良性发展。
Founded in 1999, Winning star (Group) Co Ltd is one multinational company integratir R&D, production, Sales, and international trac ing. With 21 years’ growth, through focus o brand management, supply chain managemen and B2B marketing management, we become one strong competitive international company In China, we have maintained good relationship with more than 4000 manufactures, including800 plus key manufactures with strategic part- nership. Besides we are serving more than5,000 importers and wholesaler customers in over 50 countries and regions. Currently we operate many international brands like WIN- NINGSTAR, SUNAFRICA, and etc. Among these brands, WINNINGSTAR is our high-class brand for all series of kitchen appliance products.Adhering to the company mission of "serving customers wholeheartedly, continuously creat- ing value for customers with diversified prod ucts, faster logistic, best quality and reasonable price, and blessing benefit to more and more people", we have won long-term trust from customers and achieved sustainable healthy development.